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Organize online presentations

It would be great if you organize online presentation. Just show us how we can benefit best of that platform.

Alex , 12.04.2013, 12:02
Response from the site administrator
apavlov_retiffy, 12.04.2013
Sure thing - register in the form here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1eQB08P68CqmUMj9kDTAoNys4isEL2UdN1jyC9jUFtS4/viewform

and choose one of the options:
- Asia and Australia - Every Wednesday 13:30 (GMT+8)
- Europe and Africa – Every Wednesday 13:30 Central European Time (GMT+1)
- North and South America – Every Wednesday 13:30 Central Time Zone (GMT-6)
Idea status: under consideration


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